
Set 8 Problem number 1


How many degrees are in each of the following angles:


A complete circle is 360 degrees. A complete circle is 2 `pi radians.

So 360 degrees must equal 2 `pi radians.

`pi / 2 radians is 1/4 of 2 `pi radians, or 1/4 of a circle.

`pi /6 radians is 1/12 of 2 `pi radians, or 1/12 of a circle.

Generalized Solution

In general if an angle is `theta radians, then since a radian is 360 / (2 `pi) degrees = 180 / `pi degrees, we have an angle of `theta * (180 / `pi deg) = 180 `theta / `pi degrees.

Explanation in terms of Figure(s), Extension

The figure below shows a circle with a 1-radian sector.

Since the circumference of the circle is 2 `pi r, where r is the radius of the circle, we can fit 2 `pi arcs each of length r around the circle.

We reason out equivalent angles as follows:


radians_and_degrees_in_a_circle.gif (5434 bytes)

Important Note on Notation

The most common Greek symbols used in describing rotational motion, and some of the equations using these symbols, are summarized on the two tables below.  You should make careful note of these symbols for reference throughout this problem set.

greek_symbols.gif (3789 bytes)

equations_in_symbols_and_in_text.gif (3861 bytes)

